Get Relief for Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety from the Comfort of Your Home

Are you receiving complaints from your neighbors about your barking dog when left home alone?

Does your dog get into trouble, make messes, or destroy your belongings if left by themself?

Do you feel like a prisoner in your own home?

You don’t have to live this way.

Our expert separation anxiety training is designed to help your dog feel calm and secure when home alone, so you can enjoy peace of mind. Start the journey toward a happier, more relaxed life for both you and your dog today

As an Associate Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, I can provide personalized training and behavior modification to ensure a happier life for you and your dog. Plus, pet insurance providers may cover our behavior modification services, making it easier to invest in your dog’s well-being!

Check Out Our 3 Step Process: Help Your Dog Feel Safe at Home Alone!


Book Your Initial Assessment

Schedule a time to meet virtually with a certified separation specialist to review your dog’s history and determine their baseline comfort levels during alone time.


Choose Your Package

In your Initial Assessment, your trainer will guide you on which package will best fit your dog based on the behavioral needs and history.


Training and Continuing Support Options

Receive M-F homework and virtual support throughout your training package. Opt-in to continue training with a professional available at the end of each package.

Step 1 - Initial Assessment

The initial assessment is a 1-hour virtual session during which we discuss the behavior issues you are seeing when your dog is left alone, your dog’s background, and any other challenges you may be facing when it comes to leaving your dog at home alone.

We will:

  • Perform a live assessment of your dog’s home-alone behavior

  • Determine if desensitization training is the right fit for you and your dog

  • Discuss training plan options and help you make the best choice for your lifestyle

  • Send you a review of what we cover afterward with relevant resources and materials

Price: $150

Step 2 - Choose Your Training Program

4- Week Program

The four week plan is perfect for clients who want to jumpstart their separation anxiety training.

What’s included:

  • Weekly zoom meetings to discuss progress, answer questions and make adjustments to the training plan as needed

  • Daily customized training plans M-F (20 total)

  • Support via text and email

  • Notes with relevant materials and recordings of our meetings

Price: $664

8- Week Program

The eight-week plan is perfect for clients who need a little more hand-holding.

What’s included:

  • Weekly zoom meetings for the first month to discuss progress, answer questions and make adjustments to the training plan as needed

  • Daily customized training plans M-F (40 total)

  • Support via text and email

  • Notes with relevant materials and recordings of our meetings

Price with a 10% discount: $1328


Step 3- Continuing Training and Support Options

For clients who have completed the 4-week or 8-week program but aren’t quite ready to continue on their own without the guidance of a trainer.

4-week Light Program

The four-week light plan is great for clients who have already completed one of our more intensive packages but aren’t quite ready to set off on their own.

What’s included:

  • Bi-weekly zoom meetings to discuss progress, answer questions and make adjustments to the training plan as needed

  • Daily customized training plans M-F (20 total)

  • Support via text and email

  • Notes with relevant materials and recordings of our meetings 

Price: $458

Unsure if your dog is suffering from separation anxiety or something else?

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with us!


What is Separation Anxiety and how do we tackle this issue?

Separation anxiety is best described as a panic disorder. Dogs who suffer from this are not being stubborn or getting back at you for leaving them alone. These dogs suffer from anxiety and fear related to your departure. We tackle this issue through desensitization training.

What are some typical behavioral signs of Separation Anxiety?

  • Panting

  • Pacing

  • Whining

  • Howling

  • Barking

  • Urination

  • Defecation

  • Destruction of household items

  • Self-harm

What is desensitization training?

Desensitization is exposure to the thing or experience that a dog finds scary. We use gradual increases in exposure to alone time to help a dog feel comfortable and safe when left alone. 

Where does this take place?

In the comfort of your own home! Through virtual training and innovative electronic applications, you will find that you can efficiently and effectively train your dog.